Wow it's been a while since I've written! Paper and pen, my how I've missed you!
The Faithful Family has been on a path to enlightenment; a journey to
gaining wisdom; a road that's more clearly paved for our walk home.
The Holy Spirit is hard at work through us.
I've learned more about the mystery of our faith; Faithful Children have
gained their own intimacies with Christ; Mr. Faithful is on his own
personal journey to what I feel is a new birth in Jesus Christ. We are
praying more as a family (and we thought we prayed a lot before!) we sit
down and bless one another with Holy Water, we are learning more of sacramentals, we are raising our little men to be strong warriors for
our God. It is a wonderful journey, yet difficult at times.
When we are so filled with love and faith for Christ, the evil one wants to tear us down even more so.
We've had plenty of obstacles over the last couple months. We trust in
Jesus and show more devotion to Him at those difficult times. We will
pick up our rosaries and pray.
It's easy to be apathetic. It's easy to just get by without thinking of
God, praying for others, living a secular life. It's easy to point
fingers at others for our failings. It's easy to be selfish. The hard
part is to let go. The hard part of letting go of all the stress is
realizing life is not about us. Life is about love. Love for Christ.
Love always. Pray constantly. Live for God and no one else.
Make your day a faithful one.
Peace in Christ.