Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Who's That Knocking?

It has been an incredibly long time since I've given myself an opportunity to sit down and write. Last post was from March yikes!!!

The Lord sometimes waits for us to make a choice. Other times, He doesn't and He needs us to get moving! We, His children, really need to be open to hearing our Heavenly Father and obeying His desires, not our own. 

Keeping this short and sweet. Things are happening here in my faithful home. We are currently trying to better our lifestyle in multiple ways....through where we get our food (we have a newly found love for our local organic farmers!), through our finances (finally creating a budget and started a savings!!), through our family time and how we spend it together, and other opportunities that draw us closer to Christ and keep us at the Foot of Jesus' Cross.

So grateful for God's mercy and also for the daily crosses I bear. Sometimes it's difficult to look past the monotony of daily life as a stay at home mother of four children, but boy, when God knocks, it's hard to be stressed and frustrated!! Praise God in all circumstances and shout for joy that He has such special jobs for all of us!!

He is knocking, will you answer?

Make it a faithful day!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Still Alive!

Realized in the midst of homeschooling, being a referee to my 3 Faithful Boys, poopie diapers and spit up that I haven't had a chance to sit down and finish the 2nd part of my birth story!!! Please be patient with me....on top of all I normally do, God is requesting I speak for my parish (which is my worst fear!!) so been working on writing my speech!!!

Say prayers for me and I'm always praying for you faithful ones!!!

And as always, make it a faithful day!!!