Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Still Alive!

Realized in the midst of homeschooling, being a referee to my 3 Faithful Boys, poopie diapers and spit up that I haven't had a chance to sit down and finish the 2nd part of my birth story!!! Please be patient with me....on top of all I normally do, God is requesting I speak for my parish (which is my worst fear!!) so been working on writing my speech!!!

Say prayers for me and I'm always praying for you faithful ones!!!

And as always, make it a faithful day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Faithful Mama,

    I know you probably are incredibly busy lately, but I am wanting to revive the Elizabeth Ministry blog, and I was wondering if you might be interested in being one of our bloggers. If so, would you commit to posting once a month? Maybe every other month? Thank you! Please think about it and pray about it and let me know.

    You can email me at aprilj [at] elizabethministry.com
