Thursday, June 14, 2012

Taking a Break From the World

So, I've deleted my facebook pages (personal & blog). I decided that I need a break. A beautiful face, smiling at me, talking to me about the first thing that springs into his impressionable mind, looks to me for guidance, love, compassion. Yet....I'm scrolling Facebook on my phone; halfheartedly telling my three year old, "Yep" and, "Oh really?" It hits me like a ton of bricks. I am neglecting my child. How could I let this happen? What kind of mother am I that I'd waste valuable time listening to my toddler by checking facebook statuses?  He is what matters to me. His brothers and their father are important to me. I love writing. I love the fact that I created this blog. To write my feelings, allow the Holy Spirit to use me to evangelize, to bring a smile to my own face when I reread something I wrote months ago.  But, my family comes before me. Unless I am filled with the Holy Spirit to write, it's my own selfishness.  Jesus teaches us to love everyone. I have been trying so hard to love others that I've been neglecting those I love the most. And that is not what our Savior wants.  So I bid you adu for now. I will be back. I'm not sure when.  We are on a spiritual journey as a Faithful Family and we need to tune out all the noise. For me, that's the computer. For Mr. Faithful and me as a couple, it's tv shows after the kids fall asleep - the tv will be turned off and we plan to fall in love with each other all over again. It's our 6th wedding anniversary Saturday. We are going to a Charismatic Healing Mass first thing that morning. We need to be healed. We ALL need some type of healing. Farewell Faithful Ones. I shall return with a renewed spirit and I pray for an even deeper love for Christ, my husband and my children. Xoxo. 

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